Saturday, April 29, 2006

eh.. let me tell u something...
i really hate fussy customers!
today, at the stall, there's this lady, who asked for lesser rice for the lontong, n insisted only paying just 1 fooking dollar!!!!!!
it's so obvious that a plate of lontong cost $2!
so, lesser rice means 50% off?
What the FUCK?!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

u know what i really want this right very moment?

give it a guess bitch!

a damn blardy hi-speed computer!!!!!!


foOoKinG hELL!

u know, this blardy comp is getting from bad to worst?

it's getting slower each day....

poor thang huh?

stupid comp!

oh, maybe becoz i always curse it. therefore, it wouldn't want to work along good with me?


what do u think?

so, i really badly need a new mouse. maybe a new keyboard too. plus, some upgrading for this comp?

how lovely does that sound?

any takers? volunteers? kind-hearted bitch? spare me some cash?

sounds lovely aiiye?


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I know i've said things that hurt your feelings.
i'm sorry.
i'm terribly sorry.
pls forgive me.

DarLink, i lovE u so! very much that it hurts to see my dearest getting hurt by me!
i'm sorry.
really really sorry my love.
pls forgive me.

i love u for the way and for who u are.
i dont care wat others might think or say.
i dont give a fooking damneD!
i love u just the way u are, today, yesterday, tomorrow, yesteryears.
infact, if there's something changed in u, my love will still be the same.
i promise u this, i love u with all my heart.
nothing could possibly change.
n no one will come btw us.
i love u dearly.

thank u for the rides.
thank u for all the gifts.
thank u for all the treats.
thank u for superb swensens.
thank u for every lil' things.
thank u for all the Big things.

last but not least,
thank u for loving me.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Am at the Bf's place now.

Bf shitting.


Waiting Lor~

gonna go to the hospital later.

wanna follow?

Bye! :D

Monday, April 24, 2006


bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!bf's back!

Now i'm gonna sleep peacefully.

Shall give him a surprised Visit TmR!


Sunday, April 23, 2006


Have u had a good sLeeP?

What's ur plan for today?

lemme seee~

  • Religious Class

  • Sis's performance

  • Bf's arrival

    wEEEEEeeeeeeeee~ i'm so excited!!
    wondering wat ma dearest bf got for me!?
    well, u see... when it comes to presents, i will get all EXciTED!! doncya?
    i get excited when the bf asked me out~ or infact, i get truly excited when i have suprises for Him!! *JUmps Ard the HOuSe!*
    Do u wanna know the reasons y?
    it's Simple!

    Becoz~ i'm so much in Love with him!
    Becoz~ love is an energy~
    Becoz~ Love is a mystery
    Becoz~ Love is meant to be true~
    Becoz~ love is a part of me~
    Becoz~ LoVe is the heart of Me~
    Becoz~ Love is the best thing we do!

    I LOvE U, My BF!

  • Saturday, April 22, 2006

    Wanna know what i did today?
    today's the 1st day bf not ard.
    Bf called this morning... sounding as fine as ever! having a good time there ey?
    spent ma time at the parent's stall. as usual. bz n tired. Stinky!
    me n mama killed a centipide! funny story which i dont wish to share with u peeps!WAHahAHha!
    errmmm... what else eh...?
    oh~ i think i'm gonna erase all the memoirs of my foundation studies. it's either that or..... hmmmm.... will start another new chapter by July yeah.
    so those who i remember and those who i actually respect will be those lucky ones...
    u know who u are... just get off my sight if u feel awkward when i'm ard or when U are ard ME!
    So, BUzz OFF!

    going to the hospital to pay my dearest uncle a visit!




    Friday, April 21, 2006

    Today is great.
    The Gf is very, super, duper, extremly sensitive, Today.
    The Bf, is being pitiful. tssk~ tskk~~
    The Bf, is on the way to terengganu.
    The Gf is missing The Bf. tssK~ tskkk~tssskk~
    The Gf Cried, Today.

    Today, woke up early in the morning.
    SO much for wanting to wake up at 9am, and meet the Gf at 10.30am.
    The Bf, Today, woke up at 9.30am.
    Infact, Today, the Bf din't Even slept.
    In the End, Today, The Bf Met the Gf at 11.45am!
    Coolness Huh?
    But no matter what, Today, I Love him more then i Did Yesterday. It's TRuE!

    Today, Choc Muffin & banana walnut was superb! Yummy-licious!
    Today, weather was extremly HOT!
    Today, Sunshine Plaza was packed. Lunch Time! pRinted out 2 edited photos. Bday Gifts for Aini. Hand Bag, 2 Memorable photo with frames, Bday Cake, Pizzas, Cokes and Wine. hAPpy 26 bDay.

    Image hosting by Photobucket

    Today, Parting from the Bf brought me to tears. Why i'm very ngade2 today eh? it's either that or i feeling mentelism. Why? Why? Why?

    Today, the route from Wlds to Bugis was unpredictable. Jammed!
    Today, met the Belo club. Ain Belo a.k.a Ms President & Jehan Belo a.k.a Ms Secretary. Not forgetting Yana too.
    Such a Lovely day. Today, Nafa Graduation Show.
    Marliza art work was WoooHoOo~ HooOOOoooooo~
    Too Bad, Today, camera is spoilt.
    Marliza is pretty. i Like!
    Marliza is Good! i mean, liz's Work.
    eh! ader KUBOR, kau!!!
    Power lah tu POMpan BRUtaL!
    BrutaL HAbissssssss!
    imAz have a shout out.... "WA CAyA SAMA LU LAH MAKCIK!!! ROCK TERUS ROCKKKKK!"

    Today, Me is in the holiday mood. i dont care. whatever it is, i really dont care!

    Bf, pls take care, n be home safely. Dont forget my OLeh2. Bring telor penyu also from terengganu ok. Bf, pls take care all of ur other frens. Bf, i miss u so...

    Today, had laksa with the other 2 beloness peeps. Is at night. Jehan is late. Ain is Craving for soup and chocs.

    i is happy! happy as can be!

    i is sleepy! sleepy as can be!

    i is tired! tired as can be!

    i is brokey! brokey as can be....!

    i is missing u!

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Here's a tribute to My 'Pak Uteh'...
    i wish u well...
    we all wish u well...
    be strong, be positive n get well soon..
    it's a true relieve knowing, infact, seeing it with my own pair of eyes that he's getting well.. alhamdullilah...
    he was in a critical condition a week ago... the sulleness situation.... worriedness... gloomyness..
    almost everyone was there... praying... visiting... crying...
    i'm so glad that everyone cared...
    Mak Uteh... Kak Joy... Kak Aida.. Nenek... Abah.. n everyone else... be strong..
    let's us all pray that Pak Uteh's condition will improve...
    i missed his laughter.. the most precious times n Balai... laughing and teasing...
    he's like a father to me...
    i was so happy when today, after his scanning, he smiled and laught with me~
    he could even shake his whole body~ he seems to be so happy~ but deep inside, i know, and we all know, that he is suffering....
    For Now, let's us all pray for his health... n see him up on his feet again~
    as for me, i must start again my sugar-free food intake... i wouldn't want to see my loved ones crying for me, seeing me unwell...

    here's a lil' shout-out for my one n only, most lovable n most dearest bf, Mimin DarLink!! happy, HAppY 5 Months! these journey has been so great that every minutes and every seconds i wanna be by ur side! i'm just so madly deeply in love with ur smile, ur laughter, ur smell and everything that has got to do with U, n only U! oh, pls tell me i'm the best gf u ever have!! *GriNs* :D

    thank u for all this time u have given and showered me with ur love, care n concern... thank u for making time for me even thou i know that i am such an attention seeker.. Thank u ... thank u for spending the most precious time together.. thank u for all the thoughtful gifts... i love them! thank u for making me laugh at all times that i'm with u... thank u for all the teasing and wrestling... thank u for allowing me to bully u.. n u bullied me back... thank u... for always being there when i need a shoulder to cry, when i need those listening ears... thank u so fooking much! n i love u so..
    thank God for bringing me an angel who means so much to me... thank u, God. i pray that our relationship will last long and will be as strong as it is today. Amin.

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    Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    So, guess wat happened today?
    woOhOoo~ the long waited day has come to an end! Art theory Exam! thxs to Hazel...
    which also means... today was the last day of my foundation yr!!!!!!
    insya'allah~ lets us all pray for every1 to get thru this foundation yr and move on to yr 2... amin~
    for your info, art sch isnt only abt art such as drawing, drawing and more drawings or paintings... it also includes art history and art theory... so reading is so much IN!
    after sch, had a lil' bday celebration for the dearest kakak Nanie...
    happy 22nd bday dudette~

    today was a rather tiring day.. as i was mugging for art theory paper till late the previous night... poor me~

    on monday, another bad day for my bf and i,... wahahah~ helmet being stolen.. something closed! oh man.. it was fooking close... wahahahaha... such a memorable day lah with the bf....

    no matter wat... i love u in everyway...

    oh! not forgetting... i did a lil' shopping today~~ weEeeeeeeeEee~
    bf bought me a nice flowery sandals.... and 2 more pair of pumps! purple and another is brown!!

    such a happy day!

    Good Nite!

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    it's just me......!

    happy mugging every1....

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    A Adi Airi Ash
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