Friday, September 29, 2006

i just dont feel the raya heat... maybe.. not as yet.. maybe, not at all...
i get so frustrated today. but i'm loving every sec i had with the beloved.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

ok only thing i love abt ramadan is...
my beloved dad is taking his break..
away from the bottles.. isnt it great?
but soon after, when the holy month end, he gonna pick it up again..

the project is pilling up!
my 2nd project for painting is rarely there/done. and the 3rd project on portraiture is dueing soon. stupid organic plants! i hate green!
drawing is another subject to hate! 20 dynamic sketches and 2 resolved black n white & fully colored a2 sized!

i think i need to get some new stuffs b4 the raya comes...
new set of cosmetics. bras & undies. baju raya. shoesssss!
specs & lenses. jeans. sch bags!
and.. more paints, brushes and pallate knife! pls. thank u!

tmr's the day i've been waiting for!
a date with the beloved! hur! hur!
i'm excited!

for the time being, enjoy this one.....

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i hate it when blogshit dies on me!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'm so in love with this lil' kid!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

we're gonna break-fast, in abt an hrs time.. what u gonna have for buka?
well~ grandmama is preparing Mee Bandung~ n i'm gonna make Air IceCreamSoda Banduung!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hot~! hot! heat! chix!;

Cristina Scabbia

Tarja Turunen

i Really love this picture, it's simple yet very dramatic...

i Love! Love! LOVE the BF!
SAE open house today, was great! met ma 2 old frens there.. Sid & MaL.
hope the beloved bf, would join that sch... all the best dear!
bf bought me a new helmet! heh!
i want that hot red one okkkkkkkkkk!!! and the half-helmet! cute okkkkkkkkkkkk!!

selamat berpuasa kepada semua umat2 islam di singapura, indonesia, malaysia, banglades, thailand, china, australia, dan di merata dunia ini!


Thursday, September 21, 2006

10 months and more to come....

p/s: BabyDoLL Loves You, Min.

Monday, September 18, 2006

i've been facing this stupid comp for abt 12 hrs already.
trying to get things right, doing this and that.
at last, i'm done with my report writing.
thx eh. best sey typing2 with double spacing.
best lah kan kene tulis pasal org yang dah mampos.
aristotle. sungguh tak cute namer tu!
quills pun gerek ok.
Marquis de Sade with his constant erections. coolness, no?


the bf had a long day at work, he'll probably have slept by now...
and me? i'm gonna hit the sack tooooooooooooo!


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Quotations by the greatest artist really have lots of meanings.
it gives us some motivation especially, each and everything gotta do with, ART.

"Anything can be music, but it doesn't become music until someone wills it to be music, and the audience listening to it decides to perceive it as music. Most people can't deal with that abstraction--or don't want to." - Frank Zappa

"Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad." - Salvador Dali, People (27 September 1976)

As was planned, it went on not so smoothly due to the sudden rain.
But, i bet that the beloved bf had fun!!
i dragged the bf to Downtown East Escape theme park.
the photos will be put up when my bf send them to me ok?

well, thx darlz, for the wet moment. wet & wild was great! but too bad we dint had the chance to take it another round due to some technical probs.
revolution was madly insane! the video taken thruout that ride was funny!
haunted was pathetic! but the decos was nice...
pirate viking was just ok, and the yakult flying thing was making me sleepy!
singapore's theme park is boring. most of the rides are closed for stupid maintanence!
Min enjoyed playing the $1 remote-controlled boat! especially when crashing to the other boats!
the only Best ride was the Daytona-go-cart! it was worth the wait/queue!
oh! and not forgetting the bump-boat! thx eh min for continueously spraying the water at ma eye+head+ears+hair!
the end results; Drenched!

So, we ended the day with a super big dinner at downtowneast steamboat!
it's cheap and halal!
we makan kupang banyak2!

The bf posing for the cam

Bf & Me

The Happy Gf

The Muka Nak terBerak Bf!

ok, that's all... we shall do it again some other time k darlink!!
i love love LOVE my GangstaBOO!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

You Brought Colors To my WORLD.

Let's have some fun tmr, b4 i have to submit my assignments next week.
and b4 my "Term Break" ends.

1. Hazel's report writing.
2. Zai's 20 sketches/Drawing.
3. complete the balance of 30 still lifes.
4. 10 plant painting sketches.
5. 120cmx80cm final painting; Oil on Canvas.
6. LingNah's Art Writing.

i'm like 50/50 done. Here aND there..
ima kan superwomen, comferm boleh habis punyer lah. dont worry k.
hmmm... i really need a break ok?
plssssssss DarLink? *Grins*

So, tmr's plan with the beloved bf is to Have Fun Under the SUN!
and prolly a good dinner!
Hur! hur!

i cant wait!

Love, Love!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

i've got a new keyboard + mouse! n it's 18buckarooooooooooo only!
hahaha such a cheapo eh me...
so what gitu LO!~

whatever it is, i love u many2 lah bf ku.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

thank you.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

  • Singapore Biennale; Tanglin Camp
  • The Entry Pass. There goes ma 5 buckaroooos!

    Mardy & Me

    Me & Reen

    The signage.

    it's very far u know? quite a walking distance! Tsskk!!

    Here are some cute posers.. there's lotsa other pic i took today, but i dont think it's necessary to put them up. go hit down to tanglin camp if u think that u're interested to know what's there for you......

    ok, to sum it all up, the art works are great! i dont mind visiting it again since the singapore biennale is here till nov.

    Kiss me pLS dARLz!!!!!!

    Sunday, September 10, 2006

    tmr, will marked exectly 1 week of not meeting the belevod bf!!

    i stumbled onto something which reminded me of my childhood days..
    see this...
    i used to have this rubber-deer-toy!
    i played with it till it's dirty/stained! during my kampung times at tanjung balai...
    i'm not sure whether my grandmama still keeps them.

    The shanghai collection Vinyl toys

    Today, i met up with 2 of my primary sch gf. yes, none other then, at HOUGANG MaLL.
    well, i just have to say that these is my official cam-whore partner; Azera.
    1st, there was just the 2 of us.

    Then there's 3! That's Norzalis, in Pink!

    and lastly, i bought a minnie mouse notebk. the minnie mouse is noseless!

    Saturday, September 09, 2006

    i hate it when the comp is as slow as fuck!!

    fine. it's just so fine.
    no need to tell me. anything.
    i'm just fine. fine with it!

    Friday, September 08, 2006

    today, we celebrated ain's bday. the ms president of the belo club has turned 20.
    the celebration were w/o the fellow belo members. how sad.

    Veli made this 'honey-stars-choc-coated-sprinkled-with-rainbows' so called "Bday Cake"
    plus 20 candles
    it's super yummy i tell u!!! should make this for the beloved bf! *Winks*
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    The bday girl & the "CAKE"

    Each of us signed our name on the paper

    The grp shot

    wanna know something?
    i'm bf-less tonite... the bf is away... *SoB*

    i miss u lah, dearest bf...

    Thursday, September 07, 2006

    my reviews on today's drawing lesson was sucha crappy shiat!
    fuck! fuck! fuck!

    fuck u bitch!

    i really hope the next 3 weeks with Zai would be a better life for 3A.

    i hate gays lah!! it's so so so not my cup of tea!!

    This is a drawing of my beloved bf. <3

    cute kan bf kiter.... *GRINS*

    yg ni... buat penat aku jer prepare for last week's assignments..
    fuck u bitch!

    and i just noticed this... written on my studio's board!

    eh, since when u are being promoted to Belo Senior ah?

    Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    i love love love Yuko Shimizu's artworks!
    her drawings. her paintings. her comics.
    i love the way she illustrats!!

    i really love her 'sex related theme' artworks ; "LETTERS OF DESIRE" - alphabet book project

    here are some of the artworks.. alphabetical order.. althou, i dint upload some of the alphabets

    B - "Bunny Boy in Black Biker Boots"

    D - "Double D Dynamites"

    G1 - "Gelato With Gender 1"

    G2 - "gender of gelato 2"

    H - "Hot Hairy Honey"

    K - "Kettle Master Kitten"

    L - "Lady In Lotus Shoes Licking Lily"

    O - "Overdeveloped Ostentation"

    W - Wind-up Woman in the Wind

    x - "X-small X-short"

    The like this one, the most!

    it's sexy!! and glamorous at the same time!
    helluva coolness!!!!!

    i felt soooooooo inspired by Yuko Shimizu!

    Monday, September 04, 2006

    We're happy for you, Tasha.
    Happy Engagement; Zaid & Tasha.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    imAz, Sweet 18 :)
    Mimin's BabyDoLL
    Arts & Musick


    A Adi Airi Ash
    Ashie AyuManja Azera
    B Bear
    C Cda Charmaine Cheryl
    D Daniela Djas
    E Edah Egore Ernie
    F Fiza FyeRooL
    H Hadi Han
    I Iefa Ifran iLa
    Inaaa IrWiN
    J Jayden Jehan Jelinda
    Joanna JOShua Joy
    K KiN Kriz
    L Lina Lina Adams Lip
    M MaL Mas Mardy
    Mia Mimi
    Mimin DarLinK
    N NanaJag Nanie Nisha
    Niza Nora Nurul
    R Raelynn Ramzie Reen
    Rene RiQ RUth
    S Shah Shasha SokChing
    Sugen SuiLan
    T Tasha The Piper
    V Veliana Vithi
    W Wan Weilin WeiTing
    X Xinni
    Y YanaSicked
    Z Zahri Zalis Zai
    Zaid ZielaWati

    04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
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