Random Shits...
If I were a month I would be: May
If I were a day of the week I would be: Sunday
If I were a time of day I would be: Evening
If I were a planet I would be: Pluto
If I were a sea animal I would be: Shark
If I were a direction I would be: East
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: Chandler
If I were a historical figure I would be: Cleopatra
If I were a liquid I would be: Turpentine
If I were a stone, I would be: Diamond
If I were a tree, I would be: Durian tree
If I were a bird, I would be: An owl
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: Black Rose
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Heavy Rain
If I were a mythical creature, I would be: Fairy
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: Guitar
If I were an animal, I would be: White Tiger
If I were a color, I would be: Black
If I were an emotion, I would be: Joy
If I were a sound, I would be: fart
If I were an element, I would be: Iron
If I were a car, I would be: Mazda 8
If I were a song, I would be: Stand My Ground
If I were a book, I would be written by: Roald Dahl's
If I were a place, I would be: The Beach
If I were a material, I would be: Silk
If I were a taste, I would be: Sour
If I were a scent, I would be: RL Romance
If I were a word, I would be: Fuck
If I were an object, I would be: a mirror
If I were a facial expression I would be: frown
If I were a subject in school I would be: Art
If I were a shape I would be: star
If I were a number I would be: 1
If I were a cartoon character I would be: Snow White
oh Looky! Loooky!
the guy that's singing, sungguh lah CUTE!
Cair Baby!! *DrOoooLs*
except the one on the violin lah eh.... :X
oh well...
i have my own arabic-good-looking hunky Hunk!

Sungguh lah hensem bf ku~
Irony of life but true!
1. All men are extremely busy.
2. Although they are so busy, theystill have time for women.
3. Although they have time for women,they don't really care for them.
4. Although they don't really care forthem, they always have one around.
5. Although they always have onearound them, they always try their luckwith others.
6. Although they try their luck withothers, they getreally pissed off if the woman leavesthem.
7. Although the woman leavesthem, they still don't learn fromtheir mistakes, and still try theirluck with others.
1. The most important thing for awoman is financial security.
2. Although this is so important, theystill go out and buy expensiveclothes and stuff.
3. Although they always buy expensiveclothes, theynever have something to wear.
4. Although they never have somethingto wear, they always dressbeautifully.
5. Although they always dressbeautifully, their clothes are alwaysjust "an old rag".
6. Although their clothes arealways "just an old rag", they stillexpect you to compliment them.
7. Although they expect you tocompliment them, whenyou do, they don't believe you.
FUck! somebody's just being so insensitive towards my feelings!
*i'm the girl who will put her head on
your shoulder,
because i'm sleepy, but because i want
to be
closer to
*i'm the girl who likes to be kissed
in the rain,
more than
inside your bedroom or in an expensive
*i'm the girl who says,"ok, but you
owe me..."
jokingly not
because i actually want something, but
because it
means i
get to spend more time with you...
*i'm the girl you can take absolutely
anywhere and
i will
have fun because it means i am
spending time
with you...
*i'm the girl who is incredibly picky,
but when i find
i like i want to spend the whole night
curled up in
*i'm the girl who never forgets all
the sweet little
things you
do for me...
*i'm the girl who once i let you into
my heart,
there's always
a place there with your name on it. &
even if we
spend time
apart, i'm the girl who never forgets
*i'm the girl who loves to end a hug
with a kiss..
*i'm the girl who you can talk to you
*i'm the girl who laughs at your
*i'm the girl who will brag about you
to all of my
*i'm the girl who will listen to you
*i'm the girl who loves it when you
hug me for no
*i'm the girl who loves it when you
hug me from
behind or
kiss me on the neck..
*i'm the girl who loves it when you
introduce me to
friends as your GIRLFRIEND..
*i'm the girl who loves the feeling
when you take
me by the
hand without saying a word...
*i'm the girl who loves you for you,
and doesn't
care what
other people say about us...
I truly
Love you,
I Really Do.
So much for being a fren. FRIENDS!
stop putting up a face infront of me, BITCH!
i promise you, things will never be the same again.
I'm just this fucked up girl, living in this fucked up world.
does anybody seems to care?
Hell no!
not even... YOU!