Sunday, June 11, 2006

this world is really unfair.
so much unfair that... that... hmmm...
i just think it's so fucking unfair!
i know i'm not a good student. but i tried my best!
i tried my best not to hand in my work late~
i put all my creativity and heart doing all those projects.
and i'm happy with the grade i've attained!
but.... it's still unfair~!!!!!!!!
Unfairness in LIFE! it suxxxx!!!!!!!
fuck u!

i'm going off today! so~ once again, miss me, not!

  • To all my classmates, Congrats for those who have PASS! i bet every1 did it, yeah? go on~ move on~ FS1F/2F will be another history~
  • to all foundation students 2005/2006, check lah results mu sebelum results mu itu mengecheck dirimu!
  • to the belo clubs, i'm sorry that i can't be ard to help to prepare the art fair shitz. so happy packing! happy preparing!
  • to all bloggers and blog hoppers, i wont be ard, till then... so long and good bye!
  • To my MOst BEloved Bf, Mimin darLink, i'm gonna miss u so so so badly. But i'm so sure that u'll be entertained most of ur time coz there's always a ball to look forward for everyday!
    hah~ happy worldcupping! so, i wont worry coz there'll always be company every nite~ and u can call ur boys to watch those matches with u! n yeah, Brazil gonna win!!! Brazil all the wAYyyyyyy~
    Enjoy ur week ok darLz~ dont cancel ur trip next weekend if possible. jgn bermabok. jgn bermentel. jgn bermalas. dan jgn bersakit! coz i wont be here to take care of u! i'll be there~ so, take care of urself, and ur mum. i'm gonna miss my babyboy~

  • *MUACKX*

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