Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mr J : "IT'S Fucking NICE!! THis is GOOD!! You CAn Teach a class already!! Yeah,U SHOULD!"

thx lah eh jeremy for "puji-memuji" your student! lol!

Kembang sekejap baby :)

The still-life set-up.

The unfinished painting of mine.

Yes, i'm at the very 1st stage of finding my very own identity.
i'm a nobody. yet. but, will i?
The developments i've made, is nothing less then 35%.
there's still MORE room of improvements.
i should, give myself those rooms. improving my painting skills.
experimenting with diff techniques.
the art of kama Sutra wont work, in the art sch.
but with the knowledge of kamasutra, violence, pervision, sexual harrasment, and such, they wont exist!
sex, is a form of art. with lots of science involved in love-making.
it's not just about limited to erotic pleasure. it encompasses all sensory pleasures.
thus, aromatic food, soft silken clothes, sensuous perfumes, music and paintings all come within the Kama sphere. It is also the feeling of emotional attachment and a devine union.

So, here i am, to encouraged all the Bloggers to learn the ART of KAMA SUTRA.

ok go!

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imAz, Sweet 18 :)
Mimin's BabyDoLL
Arts & Musick


A Adi Airi Ash
Ashie AyuManja Azera
B Bear
C Cda Charmaine Cheryl
D Daniela Djas
E Edah Egore Ernie
F Fiza FyeRooL
H Hadi Han
I Iefa Ifran iLa
Inaaa IrWiN
J Jayden Jehan Jelinda
Joanna JOShua Joy
K KiN Kriz
L Lina Lina Adams Lip
M MaL Mas Mardy
Mia Mimi
Mimin DarLinK
N NanaJag Nanie Nisha
Niza Nora Nurul
R Raelynn Ramzie Reen
Rene RiQ RUth
S Shah Shasha SokChing
Sugen SuiLan
T Tasha The Piper
V Veliana Vithi
W Wan Weilin WeiTing
X Xinni
Y YanaSicked
Z Zahri Zalis Zai
Zaid ZielaWati

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imAz Forlorn