Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A massive 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the west coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island, That's a warning for another tsunami.
how Scary things could be, when we're in the midst of enjoying our dinner, and a sudden tremor hit us.
i felt the floor shaking, my dad's fish-tank dancing.
My Living room was left in a messed with all my artworks.
Snatching ma lappy and camera and purse, i ran out of the house!
Dearest Mummy took her precious red-plastic bag full of mooooooolahs! and not forgetting our passports! wth whould she need our passports for? ahahaha!
granny n dad have the time to get changed and left the house the last, as dearest sista have left running for the lift!
in a time of emergency like this, i think, my family will be the 1st to die, becoz we took our own sweet time to get out of the house! everyone else, our neighbours had left their place empty handed.

let's all pray that everything's gonna be alright. the ppl in indonesia will be safe.
why in the world, disasters comes during the holy months.
the fasting month will starts tmr.
tsunami happened during fasting month too couple of yrs ago in bandar aceh.

ya'allah, tolong lah selamatkan kami dari musibah dan segala bencana alam, ya'allah!
kami mohon ke atasmu ya'allah~

Happy Fasting to my Fellow Muslimah~

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A Adi Airi Ash
Ashie AyuManja Azera
B Bear
C Cda Charmaine Cheryl
D Daniela Djas
E Edah Egore Ernie
F Fiza FyeRooL
H Hadi Han
I Iefa Ifran iLa
Inaaa IrWiN
J Jayden Jehan Jelinda
Joanna JOShua Joy
K KiN Kriz
L Lina Lina Adams Lip
M MaL Mas Mardy
Mia Mimi
Mimin DarLinK
N NanaJag Nanie Nisha
Niza Nora Nurul
R Raelynn Ramzie Reen
Rene RiQ RUth
S Shah Shasha SokChing
Sugen SuiLan
T Tasha The Piper
V Veliana Vithi
W Wan Weilin WeiTing
X Xinni
Y YanaSicked
Z Zahri Zalis Zai
Zaid ZielaWati

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