Today, On the 6.6.06, The Bf and i, we decided to go cycling at
Pulau Ubin. Yes, Just the 2 of US!
It's a surprised that the Bf woke up kindda early today! and he became my alarm clock! wEeeEee~
Do u know, that
i love u so much that it hurts to know that my bf is now so tired!
all coz of me! hmMmps!
well, we took off at abt 8+ to changi village. had our nasi lemak breakfast then took the bumboat to Pulau Ubin! it was fun!!! and tiring!
Ubin is like the smaller version of the old Tanjung Balai! No, REally!
we then rented bicycles each! eh~ 7 bux only for the whole day~ from morn~ till 6pm!! isnt it a good deal?
thx darLz for everything!

We then cycled all the way~ From the Meeting point 1, to Kekek Quarry! where we passed by this thai-buddha temple! oh yah, there were lotsa dogs ard!!
takut baby!!then, it started to rain cats and dogs~ so the bf & i, decided to just continue with out cycling!
but then, it rained heavily! Finally, we stopped at Nordin Beach! luckily there was a toilet! it was scary thou~ we sat out side the toilet for quite a while,
konon nyer nak tunggu hujan tu stop!
then, i freaked out when i saw
earthworms!!!!!!!!! blardy long earthWORMS!!!!!!!!!!!
soon after, i told Mimin that it's better we continue with our rides! no used waiting for the rain to stop~ coz kalau dah basah, biar basah sekali lah kan~ heh!
we followed the same route back to the meeting point!
oh! F.Y.I, i hate up-wards slopes!!!! ARGHhhhh!!
PENAT BABY!!!!!!!But, i'm so freaking LUCKY to have such a sweetheart BF!!
helped me all the way up
all of the slopes!! SWEET? :D
but the best part was the down-wards slopes!! so fast!!! i like!!!
the both of us was like soaking wet, it was freaking cold! n our wobbly knees cannot tahan liao lar~
when we reached the jetty side, we had Fresh Thai COcoNUT!!!!!! ahhhh~~ segerrrrr!!
i had 2 coconutS! plus, bf donated me his too~ so we had 3 lovely coconuts!
i like!!!!after resting, we continued our cycling expedition~ and found the secret garden in pulau ubin!! coolness~ it's full of all kinds of fruits plantations, vegetables plantations~ plus!!!!!!!!! lots of scary
later on the day, we chilled at the jetty, relaxing and watching ppl! went for another round, and then decided to call it a day!
dah tak boleh tahan man!! our kaki cannot take it!!
after all that bumpy rides and mandi hujan, lapar pulak lah kan! then we ate at subway! and i had my so-long-awaited white chocs cookies!! tapi tak sedap lah! haiyah!
such a disappointment!
skarang masih tengah penat nie! bf pun balik terus flat! oh! i'm having a fever!! kesian kan? :(
i had fun picking tulips with my belo frens.
Pink, White &
Hot Pink! SWeEt!
but all of them dint survive till home.
how sad.
i miss my bf very's an announcement that i'm gonna make...
listen up every1...
i think, that i'm gonna be MIA for quite a while.
without the bf.
well, that's the saddest part.
so, i'll be on the other side of the world.
with no belo clubbers ard me. with no mum n dad with me. with no computers!! with no bf!!!
aiyah! i'm gonna balik kampung lah~
so abt 2 weeks? that's the plan... but we'll see how long i can survive ok.
i'm so gonna miss my bf!no joke ok! haiz...
i'm gonna be back just in time b4 the art fair thingy starts. just wait for my arrival.
so long, and
good bye.
my beloved hp have gone bonkers! the cam is not working anymore! 1stly, it had an instant photoshop. then, it totally jammed my phone! how great!
so, i think i should be investing on a new phone. or is there any1 who's kind enuf to get me a new phone? heh! :) well, i'm not so particular abt the latest 3G phone, mp3s, high megapixel cameras.. and what's not. so if i were to get a cheap-o phone also i'll use them! :D
another thing, Dad promised to get me either a laptop, or just an upgration of this blardy pc. that's only... if... errmmm... we're lucky!
oh! i wanna get all those books on graphic designs n photoshop!! i'm just so excited!!!
shall invest on that too.
hmmm.. maybe after clearing all my debts~
so, there's go my
up-dated wish list;
1. New Hp2. New Pc/Laptop3. Graphic Design/Photoshop Books & Mags4. Facial threading5. New Hairstyle 6. New Sch Bags7. Pay Sch Fees8. New Computer table9. New Wardrobe10. New Shoes
Peace out!
Alone in this world
No happiness and love,
God sent you to me
A pure blessing from above.
He gave you eyes of rare gems
And a smile to melt my heart,
Lips so warm and tender
And honesty from the start.
He gave you humor and laughter
And knew I couldn't resist,
He knew without you
I would just simply exist.
With you in my life
Only love I see,
I know God wants me happy
He brought you, to me.
You make me smile when I am down.
You make me smile when I have a frown.
You make me smile when I feel there's no way out.
You make me smile instead of shout.
You make me smile when I look into your eyes.
You make me smile and to never wanna say good bye.
You make me smile just by doing what you do,
I think this is why I'm in love with you.ermmm maybe, i should not give to much hope on others. i should not have lots of expectation from others. coz, i will end up disappointed. agree? anyone? someone? no one?
Today's meeting was a day to remm.
know why?
coz Jehan doesn't know that we're going to the BEach!
but she's, a smart-ass!
such a spoiler!
Meeting up with the girls and not forgetting Leon, is such a bliss!
those gossips moments, those laughing un-controlably moments, those belo-ness moments, simply irrisitable!
Today, we met in sch!! then headed down to ecp.
had lunch at Japanese & Korean Crusine. then nanie bought us bday cakes! yeeeeeeep! for Dear Jehan & myself!
how sweet! i love my kakak nanie so effing much!
thanks a million for the bday gifts u peeps!
the t-shirts and note book is super-D-Duper cool!
i love them!
u all know my taste!
after lunch, we rented bicycles. it was fun, hillarious, tiring, scary, hot, and cute all at the same time! from the mac area, we cycled all the way to bedok jetty, watch ppl fishing, played with a cute crab, then stopped at the food center to have our coconut drinks! it's was thirst quenching!
continues cycling again and watch the cable-water-ski. it looks fun! should try it one day! the bf should love it! heh!
continue cycling back to mac and then to the light house and then sent the bikes back~ 2 hrs of bicycle fun!
which after, we headed down to parkway parade and have our final dinner! gossips again and parted!
shall catch up again ok!!!!!
oh, i dint really cam whored today, coz i think, i'm unpretty. just for today. coz all this rashes on my pretty face spoils it all.